Utkarsh Sinha, MD, Bexley Advisors, told The Hindu, “Bear markets usually offer great pickings for value investors looking to buy for the long term.
“We are definitely entering such a phase. And typically, a promoter is the definition of a value investor in his or her own company.”
Firms such as Sun Pharma, Emami and Granules India have announced share buy-backs.
“Buy-backs are not only the norm in such an environment, they may make the most sense for spending accumulated capital. If you are able to expand your equity pool in a bear environment, it gives you the ability to go back to the market on more favourable terms down the road,” Mr. Sinha added.
Full Article: https://www.thehindu.com/business/promoters-up-stake-in-firms-as-markets-drop/article31176139.ece